Wednesday, March 28, 2007

All the President's Pens

“Bush readies veto pen for war bill”

This is the teaser link that is providing for
its story on how President Bush is preparing to shoot down a bill that would give him full funding of the two wars with an added proviso that there’s a schedule of troop withdrawals. There’s both supporters and opponents of what the President is about to do, but there’s really a bigger issue at hand – I seamlessly worked the word “proviso” into political commentary. God, that qualifies me to take any news desk job I want not currently held by this guy.

Yes, everybody who paid attention in 8th grade Social Studies knows that the executive branch has the ability to wipe out any legislation it wants via the magic power of the veto. What you didn’t know, and apparently CNN has now inadvertently leaked to the world, is that upon entering the Oval Office, the President-elect is handed a special veto pen with which to carry out this constitutional right.

While the YABNews team was unable to locate photographic evidence of the President’s Veto Pen, we’ve done some serious investigating as to its make-up, and the results are pretty damn cool. Our first question was what color the Veto Pen’s ink is. Our records are showing RED, as to display the President’s rage and displeasure with the 312-page bill he was just forced to read. (Note: reading appropriations bills are like taking your kids to the mall to spend their allowances – ultimately it’s your cash, but you have no control over what you get for said cash.) Of course, prior to about 1940 or so, the pen only wrote in black and white, according to the history books. In addition, the Veto Pen is HUGE – it’s approximately 30 inches long and you need both hands to sign stuff with it. This is why so many Presidents are known by some sort of initialed-moniker. The Veto Pen is very heavy – would you rather collapse under the weight of the utensil after scribing “Franklin Delano Roosevelt,” when FDR will quash the bill just as effectively?

Guess what? There’s more.

As it turns out, the West Wing doesn’t delve into all the details of the Presidency. The Executive Pen collection is a well-guarded secret. Behind a secret panel on the Oval Office wall is a compartment that contains the Veto Pen, and all the rest. It can only be accessed by current Heads-of-State, and by turning the head of the Calvin Coolidge bust that sits on the end table by the candy dish of Krackels and Mr. Goodbars. Do you want to know about the other pens? Of course you do. We’ll describe ‘em here, but only if you promise not to testify against us in our soon-to-be pending treason hearing. Ok? Thanks.

The Executive Pen Collection

  • The Veto Pen – if you’ve forgotten what the Veto Pen looks like already, you probably also failed 8th grade Social Studies. Just a correlation we’re supposing.
  • The Appointment Pen – The President, our Hiring Manager-in-Chief, is responsible for the specific selection of thousands of specific civil posts. When he signs the offer letters, he uses this pen. It’s very shiny and very big, yet writes in a dull grey ink. This is to symbolize the lavish attention you’ll be getting as U.S. Ambassador to China, with the sad monthly stipend the job actually pays.
  • The Conference Call Pen – Sometimes, the President is stuck on the phone with the leaders of Canada and Mexico, who are bickering about NAFTA trade rights. The Mexicans want lumber for a cheap price, and the Canucks seem to turn Chihuahuas into sled dogs. The President doesn’t give a damn about their problems and needs to stay awake. He puts the call on “mute” and doodles with this pen. A gift from Bill Cosby.
  • The William Pen – It’s red, white, and blue, everything it writes comes out liberty, and is used for official proclamations devising federal and state rights and regulations. A gift from the Keystone State.
  • The Pardon Pen – Ok, we do know from the West Wing that the President has until the very last minute to grant executive pardons to those who he feels do not deserve incarceration. For those in the clink, this is a happy, happy day. That probably explains why the ink from this pen smells like birthday cake. Hooray!
  • The Phnom Pen – makes swift, crisp pen strokes. Used to order attacks on insurgents that have been behaving badly. Extra ink is stored in a tiny pot called by most Presidents the “Pol.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton: "I'll take the Pen-is Mightier for $300, Alex"