Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm Your...Your Density.

The year is 2005. Twenty years later, 37 year-old Marty McFly has returned to the quiet California town of Hill Valley. After spending the morning in a nostalgic haze near the Clock Tower, he drives his brand new shiny black truck over to the house of an old friend, the recently retired Emmett “Doc” Brown. This is where we join them…

MARTY: Doc! Wow, DOC! It’s really you! It’s so good to see you! And Einstein, she’s had puppies! Wait, Einey was a girl? Nevermind. Look, I was just in downtown Hill Valley and I miss everything that we saw happen over the years. I want to go back, back in time to-
DOC: Marty! There’s no time!
MARTY: Doc! There’s always time. You’ve got the DeLorean. We can just set the circuits for 1985 and-
DOC: Marty, I sold the DeLorean on eBay so that I could retire. The new time machine is a 1990 Volvo Tank. Now we time travel in true style! But that’s neither here nor there. Marty, if you want to see 1985, rent our DVD. If you want to see a great story of romance and, follow me back…to the future!
MARTY: Don’t you mean past?
DOC: Shut up!

The Volvo heads back in time to August 22, 2001.

MARTY: Why are we in Williamsburg, Virginia? And what’s with all those college students with bright yellow shirts?
DOC: This is William and Mary, and those students, my boy, are the Orientation Staff for the incoming freshmen. This is their training week. Standing outside Washington Hall on a sunny afternoon sure beats being cooped up inside, that’s for sure. Now watch as the always tall, always clever Assistant Director Chris meets the strikingly beautiful staff rookie, Katie.
MARTY: What’s with the flowery language, Doc?
DOC: I’m trying to impress Clara, the schoolteacher I met in Back to the Future Part III. And as you can see, so is Chris, because Katie will, too, be a school teacher –
MARTY: Don’t say it –
DOC: in the FUTURE!
MARTY: I should have seen that coming. So look, Doc, I’ve got to get back before Jennifer wakes up on her porch swing –
DOC: Ok, ok. Kids these days! Always in a hurry to get somewhere. I’ll fill you in on these two in the car. So Chris and Katie met at Orientation training briefly, but then hit it off more formally at Katie’s 21st birthday at Paul’s Deli. Following a trip to a campus coffee shop after an a cappella concert later that month, their first official date was a trip to Baskin Robbins. Their friendship grew into a relationship over the course of their senior year, complete with fireside chats, Frisbee catches, and long walks on an empty golf course…
MARTY: Uh, Doc? If we don’t hit 88 miles per hour, we’re going to crash right into the Thomas Jefferson statue…DOC!

(the Volvo disappears in thin air. It reappears just a mile away at the amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka, still at William and Mary. The time circuits read June 20, 2004, 7:07pm.)

DOC: After all this time travel, Marty, you haven’t figured it out. It’s not WHAT we’re going to hit, it’s WHERE we’re going to hit. What time is it? GREAT SCOTT! Ok, we’re a few minutes early. As I was saying, Chris and Katie graduated William and Mary, and both found themselves in the DC Metro area shortly thereafter. Katie went to work as a teacher and Chris as a financial analyst for SAIC. Even DC rush hour couldn’t keep these two from growing closer together.
MARTY: Quit monologue-ing, would ya? Shhh! So, when are we?
DOC: That’s Chris, down on his knee, and that’s Katie, accepting his marriage proposal. Of course, this day had much more to it. Chris took Katie to their alma mater for a nice daytrip. They did many of the things they’d always talked about doing, but never have time to in the midst of their hectic work schedules. It started with lunch at the Cheese Shop, followed by a leisurely walk down through Colonial Williamsburg and campus. They stopped to play Frisbee outside Swem Library, and even walked over the infamous Crim Dell bridge. All day long, Katie wondered if this day would become THE day. But after dinner, as Chris drove them back to campus for only a quick visit to Lake Matoaka, it seemed as if it wasn’t to be today. But as you can see, Marty, there’s the surprise ending to this story, as he kneels down in front of her at lake’s edge. The rest is history. Or is it the future?
MARTY: I wonder if my proposal to Jennifer happened on as beautiful a day as this one. Doc, can I-
DOC: Marty, what have I told you about that? Knowing the details about your own future can be catastrophic to the whole space-time continuum!
MARTY: Alright, alright. Look, Katie’s calling her family now!
DOC: Yes, on their trip back to Northern Virginia, they’ll call just about everybody they know. It was indeed a wonderful day. But enough of this sitting around, we’ve got to go! Check the glove compartment, Marty.
MARTY: What’s this? A letter? (opens it) It’s an invitation to the wedding of Christopher Condon and Katherine Pretz, to be held August 13, 2005. And we’re invited? Doc, we have got to get back!
DOC: Yes indeed Marty. Back. To the FUTURE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice. Back to the Future meets A Christmas Carol. I half expected Chris to be rejected and then drown his sorrows at Fezziwig's party. Or maybe just spend some time with Fozzy Bear