Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Post She Was Born to Read

In the information age of the Interwebs, one has to leave their legacy by imprinting their mark somewhere on the Information Super Highway. After all, when school children of the future need to look back and learn just how awesome Chris Condon was, they’re not going to dust off some old book in some even older library – they’ll Google me. Thanks to YAB, I’ve managed to let futurekids know a fair bit about what it’s like to be a left-handed superblogger with a penchant for Mighty Ducks quotes. But even if YAB never came to be, I do show up numerous times in these indoor track results from 1997. Hey futurekids, I was fast, too.

But what of Clara Grace Condon?

I guess her weblegacy starts…now.

It’s been a week since new text has graced the calming hues of You’re a Blog, and one person can be held responsible. The creative outlet that is blog cannot be stopped by bosses, by co-workers, by friends, or by foes. But there appears to be one person that can make time (backdated or otherwise) stand still.

Now they say that a picture is worth a 1,000 words, I could catch up this backdating in no time flat. (It should be noted though, by not dating this post properly – Clara serves to be our miraculous little tax break.) Over the past week, I believe the girl has been photographed about 11,132 times over the course of her first year of life – maybe making her the best-documented human being of all-time.

And she didn’t even have to shave her head for this attention.

Now, this may seems incredibly weird for the readership – after all, in the 632 career posts of YAB, there has never, ever, ever, been a picture laced in with the funny. Sure, we’ve linked to some funny photos – but never down the main line like this little girl. And this is pretty amazing, considering photography is hilarious. It was never the intent of YAB to outlaw photos on the blog, it just kind of happened that way. And now, we enter the visual world with a picture of someone I’m responsible for. A person I will find adorable, even if she’s doing non-adorable things like operating construction equipment or reading astrophysics. (Eh, who am I kidding – a baby working a jackhammer IS adorable.) A person, who if she plays her cards right, just may get to be a lefty like dear old Dad.

There was no photo in YAB’s maiden post on July 27, 2004. But then again, there wasn’t a graduate school, a marriage, a new apartment, or a Boston Red Sox World Series champion. But hey, that’s why YAB is here – to chronicling the funny. YAB is my legacy on the Interwebs.

And Clara Grace Condon, born 8lbs. 12oz. on February 13, 2007, is my legacy in real life.

Much, much more to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... the picture...she is do we move Delaware and Maryland out of the way...