Friday, December 08, 2006

Explaining Danika One More Time

About three weeks ago, we decided to mock those who find YAB via obscure Googling by answering a few of their questions. A lot of good that did. More and more, we have become the authoritative corner of the web to “explain the movie Danika” to people. If you’re one of the few who saw this Marissa Tomei thriller, (straight-to-video-whee!), and somehow didn’t understand it, you probably ending up here at our blog.

We didn’t exactly become Danika Central on purpose, you see. Prior to our first edition of Meter Mail, we had never typed that word in the tens of thousand word existence of You’re a Blog. Not once. Never. After all, I’ve never seen Danika, and it’s not a word of everyday use, so how in the world did all arrows start pointing to us?I should have known.

Turns out in one of his comments, Mattias misspelled the first name of Indy car racer Danica Patrick.

So thanks to Mattias, I have droves (ok, 2 a day) of web surfers leaving YAB empty-handed because I failed to accurately explain Danika to them. Well, as an attempt to turn this situation from tragedy to high comedy, I’m now going to explain what happens in the movie Danika for all of those who are speed reading their way to the answer. For those in the regular readership, just sit back and enjoy.

Explaining the Movie Danika
By Chris Condon

Ok, if you really want to understand what goes on in this flippin’ sweet movie, you’re going to have to pay attention to the clues. The writer must have loved the Sixth Sense with all the super-secret things that were slid into this movie. So I want you to pay really close attention to the details in this flick, okay?

First off, you need to look for the hidden animals. When Tomei is at the motel with her kid in the car, pay close attention to her rear view mirror. Very subtly, a panda bear will cross from left to right. Also, during the bank hold-up, in the upper left hand corner by the security camera, there perches a chimp. And finally, at the kid’s soccer game? The left midfielder for the blue team is actually a bottle-nosed dolphin. How insane, right? But the viewer is left to wonder whether these animals were real, or just part of Tomei’s delusions after the accident. The dolphin, of course, must be a fake – dolphins cannot play soccer. But the monkey and the bear are real, and very important parts of the puzzle.

Also, one needs to consider what happens to Tomei after the accident. My God! Every number that’s mentioned in this movie is divisible by 3! What are the odds of that. The main trinity references – like her number of children – are obvious. But look at the clock during the scene at the bank – it’s 12:36 – both numbers are divisible by 3. Oh, and if listen really closely during that scene, you’ll hear that the monkey speaks only in French.

You really want to know if the life you just saw was real or was imagined while Tomei was in a comatose state, don’t you? The homelessness? Imagined! The husband’s affair! Imagined! The call Danika gets from her boss? Fake! The detective character? Made-up!

But the panda bear and the monkey – very, VERY real. You must keep watching this movie until you see them both. And it is with them that the secret of this movie is revealed.

Hope this helps you, web traveler.


Unknown said...

is this a joke? i really need to have the ending explained.

Unknown said...

is this a joke? i really need to have the ending explained.

Unknown said...

lol... It made me really sad.

saf said...

Hahaha very cute. The movie was a shocker but just for valerie: everything that she imagined after the accident (husband coming back, raising her family, seeing psychiatrist) was her imagination. After finding her husband in the motel she was the sole survivor in the accident and felt very gulity and became consumed by hallucinations as a begger. She was left with nothing but the trolley of childrens memories. Quite a jaw-dropper!

Unknown said...

Ok NOW I GET IT thanks to saf...I'm not the smartest person around but definitely not the dumbest,but I really didn't understand the ending until reading the explanation above.Thanks!!