Thursday, August 19, 2004

Memories on the Orient-ation Express

This is not the greatest blog in the world. This is just a tribute.

Office small talk is a way of life. It's been referred to as "water cooler" talk in the past, but that label is a misnomer. Why? Because I am the last person remaining in the DC Metro area that has such a reliance on the loyal water cooler. Always there, always has what I seek. Its rival, the coffee maker on the counter, should be the prouder, younger sibling of the WC. However, it just sits there, dejected and in need of a filter change. But, if no one else is saying hello to the cooler, and the coffee maker is lonelier than Cusack in Say Anything, then something is driving away the clientele...Oh, that's right. I forgot.

But I digest. err... disect ... no ... digress. Much better.

I was talking with Mary, an ally in finance, about her experience yesterday of moving her daughter into JMU. First kid, first time, first everything. It was one of those conversations when you realize that no matter how well established you are in an office, there's a good chance that you will relate more to you colleague's kids than your colleagues themselves. (I just spelled colleague correctly twice. If I was Mattias, I'd deserve a prize.) After all, freshmen year was only 6 years ago...


So I've been thinking about how crucial a good few first days at college are to a an enjoyable college career. At W&M, we were blessed with a fantastic program that was just the right balance of down time and direction, of socializing and structure. The first day, which Mary just experienced, is just a rush of fear and excitement about everything that's going to happen in the next four years, or more short-sightedly, four days. (Do I sound like Owen Wilson in Armageddon or what?) Everything from getting 8 pieces of furniture to fit in a dorm room (without it looking like Ikea's warehouse) to meeting your 53 immediate neighbors (especially the ones with your birthday...silly mixer games), is part of the first moments. But the program is tested, and it works. First semester is all about reliance on these new strangers. And trust games aside, it's the way you approach orientation that establishes a level of comfort. So comfortable, in fact, you may be able to rollerblade up and down the hall, knowing that they'll cover for you when the RA rears his annoyed head. (umm...I'm just theory...heh)

Never have I packed in so many activities and conversations in a short time frame. Never have I found "slamming a Dew" at 5 am so funny. Never have I lived with a roommate who had nothing to hang on his wall and a little brother he kept in the closet. Never have I introduced frisbee to a group with such success, and tested it with a rainy game in the Gardens. Never have I built friendships so close in no time at all. Freshmen year moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.

Couldn't remember the greatest blog in the world. This is a Tribute... W&M.

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