Thursday, August 05, 2004

Thursday Morning Recommendations

I'm on vacation, and unfortunately, you probably are not. So if you do get some free time after a grueling day at work (grad school), check out the first round of Recommendations (wait, that's waaaaay too unoriginal and long. How about Recs? No, not orginial enough. Wrecs? Get closer....)

Wrekx. That's much better.

Pages - The Zero Game, by Brad Meltzer. I haven't read a book since, well, last summer vacation, but I made a good choice with this one. Especially if you live in DC. Lots of references to the area, including the Ballston Metro, Elliot in the Morning, and um, the Capitol. (Last one is a stretch, I know) Good political thriller, I'm starting one of his earlier books today.

Tracks - Indian Summer, Carbon Leaf. First major studio release from the Virginia band. One of the best live shows you can see in a small setting. Had a radio hit with The Boxer last year or so. New album is a little more mellow, but simply beautiful. Favorite tracks - Changeless, Grey Sky Eyes, What About Everything?, and Paloma. Support the guys, or they'll come after you like a

Flicks - Yes, yes, the new Manchurian Candidate is out in the theatres, and I expect it to be very very good (with Jonathan Demme at the helm, I expect nothing less.) I'll probably see it later today. (It's raining.) People, it's a remake (and a trend Hollywood needs to get away from. Originial thought? That's unpossible!) Anyways, rent the original before seeing the new one. An excellently crafted thriller from 1962 with Sinatra et al. Ow. Joe is sitting next to me and he punched me (he's not a fan.) Muhahaha. I just hit Joe in the face with a bagel. AND CREAM CHEESE. Revenge is so sweet. (And um, creamy?)

TV - I Love the 90's? Hardly. Michael Ian Black seems to have misplaced his funny.

Ok. it's Thursday, and I have my Wrekx in Effect. Peace out.

1 comment:

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