Friday, August 27, 2004

Technical Difficulties

Anyone who has gotten a chance to read Thursday's blog is well aware that it didn't show up on the blogwaves until at least 7 last night. (If you haven't, scroll down and get your read on!) Most of the delay has been previosuly documented, but what about those missing three hours between the time that Condon wrote his cyberhallucination and when it actually appears for all to see?

The real answer is pretty boring and unimpressive. So, I'm going to make something up instead. And mock Christina Toms at the SAME TIME.

There I was, on top of old Tahoe, all covered with cheese, when I realized that the children's song that contained this lyric must have been written by the kid who eschewed the cookies and milk for paste and glue in pre-school. Toms' three friends were with me, but because they're not Sherpas, they were trying desperately to keep pace with me. (No, this poor sentence construction is not meant to imply that I am a Sherpa, either. Too tall.) Looking out over the Nevada desert, I realize that this is not where I am meant to be. Especially with Toms' 3 non-sherpas, who were named...umm...Luke, Thunder, and Emperor Tang. Where was I supposed to be? I asked my fellow hikers, but the first two proved little help. Luke's mouth was parched from the long hike in the desert, and Thunder only speaks through interpretive dance, so it was up to the Emperor for worldly advice. Like most emperors I know, Tang's attire is far from standard outdoor issue. Same old cowboy hat, same old...toga?? Emperors normally wear cloaks and robes, not togas. What's with the Greek attire, Tang?


While most would assume that the Emperor is just a Summer Games enthusiast, I know better. The Emperor didn't want to be at Tahoe just as much as I didn't. (Thunder seems happy, though. Looks like he's "becoming a swan" over by that boulder.) The Greek costume - a subtle hint that I missed since I got back from Columbia (Maryland, not South America). Guster was at the Greek Theatre today, and I'm stuck on a stupid rock. Life is so unfair.

Yeah, maybe "technical difficulties" would have been less weird.


Trip Thomas said...

Mr. Condon, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

(your post was actually really funny... now identify the movie quote, Hot Shot)

Throckmorton said...

If you can't name that movie quote, I'll have to kick you. Or at least get Emporer Tang to do it. Oh, and Roman emporers wore togas. But not cowboy hats. Maybe he's just a major throwback. Maybe you're just a looney toon.

Piranha said...

The only Emperor Tang I know wears Native American costumes at Halloween and dances like a Nubian...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
