Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Like an Orange on a Toothpick

(name the reference, you cine-philes...)

Halloween is fast approaching, and while I thought that the days of dressing up were long gone, I'm under the gun to come up with something for the office party on Saturday. The trouble is, my co-workers have very high expectations because of my role in the organizational culture. I'm the funny one in the office - they count on me to have something witty to say (or to strike someone down with a stress ball when they least expect it.) And while they might not be expecting a funny costume, my people demand creativity, or at least a little bit of thought on my behalf.

Translation: Wearing a baseball cap with a leaf hanging down from the brim and coming as a "leaf-blower" isn't going to cut it.

So I've got an idea that I am fairly pleased with, but there's a hitch. I need a hat to pull it off. "A hat you say? You've got lots of hats, Condon." No, for two reasons. 1) I don't have the type of hat I need. 2) My roommate is a hat thief. Of course, there's a larger problem in this plan.

That larger problem is my head.

Caput Magnum, man.

The hat industry would probably say that they cater to those of us who are nogginally-enhanced: with sombreros. Don't get me wrong - sombreros are a good time, but it's not the kind of hat I'm looking for in order to complete this ensemble. Thinking back, every costume I've ever head needed special attention to headgear.

  • I was Yoda when I was like 3 years old. It was one of those plastic masks with the elastic band that the Surgeon General has since outlawed in 43 states. I may have caused suffocation, but it didn't singe my head.
  • I remember being Dick Tracy one year, probably when I was 9. I had a plastic fedora that had a way of popping off my head, but it was roomy enough to hide gum that I got Trick or Treating. Mom wasn't a fan of the gum.
  • I was a football referee in 7th grade. For the costume, I had to wear my little league baseball cap. Little league was always good about catering to my type. The caps were always big enough to fit, but I hated going to the plate with the medium helmet cause guys like Chris Smith would have the only X-Large one and he would be on base. Ow.
  • Every year from 15 on when I've had to dress up, I've been a hockey player. I bought my own helmet, so I know it fits. Even if it didn't, it really didn't matter. No one really looked at me funny considering I'd rollerblade around the neighborhood with a 6'0" giant blue Cookie Monster.

Well, I think I've found the solution to my problem that won't cause cranial bleeding come Halloween. Maybe this weekend I'll finally figure out how to use pictures on this thing.


Trip Thomas said...

I'm pretty busy, so this is just off the top of my head (ha! get it?)...but I think the quote is from So I Married an Axe Murderer. They make a lot of "huge head" jokes in that movie to the poor kid in front of the TV.

Chris Condon said...

Caro - If I recall, I did not speak of pedal size yesterday. You did.

Oh no he didn't!

Chris Condon said...

"Now, most people buy shoes that fit their feet. Your shoe is bigger than a mailbox. That's just plain silly. Your feet are huge. We all know that. Don't try to use your voodoo magic on the poor immigrant!"

Oh, but your circular reasoning is flawed. I in no way spoke of the size of feet, but rather that a shoe is bigger than my mailbox. You inferred that, brotha cheese.